Trade magazine De Zelfkazer: Promotion of local products at Grüne Woche in Berlin
In the 'Taste the Dutch Masters' stand at the Grüne Woche from 17 to 26 January in Berlin, Dutch local products are promoted, including various cheeses.
In total, about thirty 'Dutch Masters' and their local products are presented, among them Frank Captein with Boer-Goudse Oplegkaas, Ellen Heemskerk with Boer-Leidse cheese, Bert Kots with goat cheese and dry goat sausage, Ard van Wees with Boeren meshanger herb cheeses, Christine Köning with soft whiteflora cheese, Andra Westerhoff with mozzarella and affumicata and Champ Bouwman on behalf of Cheese Valley with Boerenkaas. But also Among others Johan Leenders with his Oranjehoen, René van der Veer with bread of heritage cereal, Michel Brans with bitterballs with oyster mushroom and Martijn Eggens with Double Drents beer.
The 'Dutch Masters' are producers of local products that combine knowledge of culinary history with heart for the landscape and excellent taste, reports Slow Food, one of the initiators of 'Taste the Dutch Masters'. The other initiators are the Ministry of LNV, the Dutch provinces and NBTC Holland Marketing.
Brom: https://www.vakbladdezelfkazer.nl/2020/01/promotie-van-streekproducten-op-grune-woche-in-berlijn/